Medical Education




Cara Menjadi Mahasiswa FK

Baca aku, ikuti tahapnya dan rayakan keberhasilanmu

Pingin Sukses ketika pre klinik

Ikuti caraku tuk jadi dirimu

Aku Koass Keren

Kerenkan Koassmu Nyalakan semangatmu

Ambil Spesialis, siapa takut?

Mau jadi spesialis perlente, apa yang kagak pulang pulang

Dokter kok Dosen emang bisa ?

Karir Dosen rasa dokter Jempolan kan .

Suka suka  saja

Bisa ngobrolin apa aja seseru itu ya

Lulusan FK bisa jadi apa saja?

Lulusan FK bisa jadi apa saja?

Oleh: Siti Ulfatur Rizqa, S.Ked Apa yang akan dilakukan setelah menjalani pendidikan di fakultas kedokteran dengan masa studi yang lama?. Masa studi meliputi masa mendapatkan gelar sarjana kedokteran (S.Ked) sampai gelar dokter (dr.) di depan nama....

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3 Fakta Unik Kuliah di Kedokteran

3 Fakta Unik Kuliah di Kedokteran

Kata orang masa yang paling indah adalah masa masa SMA, kalau kita bilang masa indah itu masa saat di terima kuliah di FK , emang kenapa? sama seperti kuliah di fakultas lain tentu kuliah itu ya kuliah tapi tahu nggak sih kalau kuliah di fk itu...

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Becoming a specialist doctor in Indonesia requires dedication, hard work, and a strong foundation in medicine. The educational path involves rigorous academic preparation, hands-on training, and continuous professional development to ensure that doctors are equipped to provide high-quality patient care and stay updated with the latest medical advancements.The journey to become a specialist doctor in Indonesia involves a long and rigorous educational path, spanning several years.

  • High School (SMA)

    The first step begins at the high school level, where students typically take a rigorous academic program that includes science and mathematics courses. This foundation is crucial for preparing students for the competitive medical school admissions process.

  • Medical School

    Upon completing high school, students apply to medical schools like the Faculty of Medicine. The selection process involves a rigorous evaluation, including a written exam and a multiple mini interview (MMI). Those who pass these stages are admitted to the program. ante.

  • Undergraduate Studies (S.Ked)

    The undergraduate program in medicine at FK UI typically takes four years to complete. Students are taught a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of medicine, including basic sciences, clinical sciences, and practical skills. The program is designed to prepare students for the National Examination of Physicians (Ujian Nasional Dokter) and to develop their skills in patient care.

  • National Examination of Physicians (Ujian Nasional Dokter)

    After completing the undergraduate program, students must pass the National Examination of Physicians, a national test that assesses their knowledge and skills in medicine. This exam is a crucial step in obtaining a medical license.Aliquam sodales nulla dolor sed

  • Internship (Magang)

    Following the national exam, students are required to complete a one-year internship at a university hospital. This hands-on experience allows them to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings, working under the supervision of experienced medical professionals.

  • Residency (Residen)

    After the internship, students can choose to specialize in a particular field of medicine by pursuing a residency program. This typically takes four years and involves working under the guidance of experienced specialists in their chosen field.

  • Specialization (Spesialis)

    Upon completing their residency, doctors can further specialize in a subspecialty by pursuing additional training. This can take several years and involves advanced training in a specific area of medicine, such as cardiology or neurology

  • Certification and Licensure

    Throughout their educational journey, doctors must maintain their medical licenses and certifications by meeting continuing education requirements and adhering to professional standards.

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